Tamplar, Norvegia

Norway, Oslo
We are looking for talented shuttering carpenters for both short and long-term projects. If you are a person that is passionate about your profession and have a good attitude – then we want you in our team.
- Documented experience as shuttering carpenter
- A good understanding of technical drawings
- Experience with steel fixing is a plus
- Relevant courses is a plus
- Interesting projects
- Competitive conditions
- Development of skills
- Participation on relevant safety courses
If you want to join the Eterni team, contact Marie Storevik -> [email protected] or +4745136012. Welcome to Eterni!
Søknadsfrist: As soon as possible
Arbeidsgiver: Eterni, Oslo Bygg & Anlegg
Sted: Oslo
Bransjer: Bygg og anlegg,Håndverkstjenester
Tiltredelse: 01.05.2018
Hentet fra: FINN
Referansenummer: 118017156
NOTĂ: Site-ul www.vikingi.ro nu este agentie de recrutare si nu intermediază angajarea pentru posturile vacante publicate în anunturile cu locuri de muncă. Persoanele interesate pot contacta în mod direct angajatorii, la adresele de contact care apar în cuprinsul anuntului.
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