stiu cum sta treaba in celelalte tari , dar eu va voi prezenta sistemul danez.

Poate ati vazut ca in ultimele zile nu am mai fost atat de activ.Am avut  de rezolvat niste probleme. Inevitabil, dupa atatia ani de munca, si aici jegosii au inceput sa umble cu prostii. Le-am dat credit o vreme,  dar acum au depasit orice limita a bunului simt. Cum poti sa zambesti in fata omului, si pe la spate sa fii porc ?

Rolul sindicatului este acela de a apara drepturile muncitorilor. Se refera la orele de munca, la plata muncii, la conditiile de munca.  Fara sindicat , piata munci ar fi un haos iar patronii ne-ar pune in jug si biciui … Dar pentru a fi ajutat , e obligatoriu sa fii membru al sindicatului. Cotizatia platita reprezinta „adeziunea”. Si in Romania avem sindicat. In invatamant am platit si eu cotizatie numai ca sindicatele si patronatul/clasa politica erau mana in mana …

Din fericire in Danemarca este altfel. Atatia ani de democratie au construit acest sistem solid. Daca ti-ai ales un sindicat puternic, drepturile tale vor fi protejate si nu vei fii nevoit sa fii stresat din cauza asta.  Dar ceea ce nu inteleg romanii , sau sunt incapabili sa inteleaga este aderarea la un astfel de sindicat. Orice angajator stie foarte bine ca in cazul in care il triseaza pe angajat, isi va crea mari probleme … Sindicatele au o armata de avocati, reviste si multe alte parghii prin care ar putea chiar sa-i aduca la faliment pe angajatori. Au fost cazuri …

Unii o fac pe saracii. Nu au bani pentru asa ceva, dar betivaniile din weekend sau multe alte figuri sunt mai importante decat asigurarea propriului viitor. Intocmai ca si un animal, o parte dintre romani nu se gandesc la ziua de maine si nu investesc in el , ci isi traiesc doar clipa. Atata tot …

Cele mai mari sindicate din Danemarca sunt 3F , Krifa si Det Faglige Hus (parerea mea).  Eu am ales 3F … Pe langa fagforening (consultanta etc) , sindicatele mai ofera si A-kasse. Dupa un an de zile de cotizatie sau undeva la 1000 de ore lucrate (orientativ, nu mai stiu) vei putea beneficia de somaj care teoretic ar insemna cam 80% din salarul intreg.  Pe langa faptul ca nu vei fi stresat financiar, vei avea timp sa-ti cauti ceva de munca si chiar sa faci niste cursuri de calificare care sunt de cele mai multe ori aproape pe gratis.

Pentru imigranti as face inscrierea la sindicate drept obligatorie. Ti-ai luat masina ? Iti faci asigurare ! Asa si aici

Mai jos aveti prezentarea in limba engleza a celor de la 3F.

In Denmark the majority of workers are members of a trade union. Union density is one of the highest in the world. Your Danish colleagues expect you to be a member of a union. The largest trade union in Denmark is 3F (United Federation of Danish Workers).

If you do not join 3F when you gain employment in Denmark, then you could risk being cheated and being underpaid.

Working conditions in Denmark

In Denmark it is the collective agreement which determines and regulates wages, pensions and working hours. 3F is the expert with regard to collective agreements and labour market legislation.

Unemployment Insurance Fund

When working in Denmark you are able to take out insurance against unemployment.

3F is the largest trade union in Denmark and has 323,082 members. At those workplaces organised by 3F it is quite natural to be a member of a union.

The union organises skilled and unskilled workers in many sectors and industries in the private as well as the public sector. Members work in the following sectors:

  • Transport
  • Building & Construction
  • Manufacturing industries
  • Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Horticulture/Market Gardens
  • Cleaning
  • Hotel & Restaurants
  • Delivery and distribution of newspapers and magazines

Get help

Members of 3F can get help with the following:

  • Securing good wages and conditions of employment
  • Advice about Danish working conditions and working in Denmark
  • Examination of your contract of employment and advice concerning your conditions of employment
  • Help and legal aid for resolving employment-related issues
  • Negotiating collective agreements
  • Strike pay during official industrial disputes
  • Help and advice about your wages, pensions and working conditions
  • Help for the improvement of your working environment
  • Advice and help in relation to education and in-service training

In Denmark the majority of workers are members of a trade union. Trade union density is one of the highest in the world. Your Danish colleagues expect you to be a member of a trade union.

3F and the other trade unions have been instrumental in creating good wages and working conditions in Denmark by way of collective agreements.

The workers in Denmark have fought hard to obtain the right to enter into collective agreements at the workplace.

It is the collective agreements which determine the rules in regard to wages, pensions and working hours etc. Consequently, it is important that there is a collective agreement with your employer. If you are in doubt as to whether there is a collective agreement at your workplace, or if you want to know which rules apply to you, then you can contact your local 3F branch.

Members of 3F have a powerful union supporting them. A union full of heart as well as common sense which is there for them.

Here are some good reasons for being a member of 3F:

Powerful organisation

You get a powerful, democratic organisation supporting you and one which is there for you. It holds true when your collective agreement and wages are being negotiated and if you have problems in your employment and lots of other things.


When you start work with a new employer 3F can give you advice about your contract and statement of terms and conditions.


3F will help you to recover what is owing to you if your employer goes bankrupt.

Industrial dispute

3F pays strike money if your employer is involved in a dispute.

Shop stewards

At many workplaces members of 3F have elected a shop steward to look after their interests. It is 3F which negotiates your wages and working conditions and 3F has hundreds of collective agreements with individual companies and employer organisations.

Industrial injuries

If an accident happens, then 3F can help you to report your industrial injury correctly and punctually, so that you can get the compensation you have a right to. If the authorities will not recognise your injury, then 3F can help and if necessary pay what it costs to take the case through the legal system. In several instances 3F has gone as far at the Supreme Court in order to get an industrial injury recognised.

Offers and services to the members

3F has a wide range of offers and services to its members. All members under 65/67 are covered by group life insurance. When you are working under a collective agreement you also covered by a pension scheme. There is also an offer of a collective and consequently cheap accident insurance through ALKA and an offer of 3F’s supplementary wage insurance scheme. There are also offers which embrace your leisure time activities. For example: the LO Plus Card where you can get discount on insurance, travel etc.

Close at hand

3F is a trade union that is close at hand by way of the many local branches. The branches are always ready to help and advise you. 71 local branches and 80 service centres.

Help and Advice

3F does not just look after wages and working conditions, but also helps members with industrial injury cases, industrial/occupational illness, rehabilitation and much more. In 2011 the branches obtained a total of 1.9 billions kroner on behalf of the members.

Education & Training

3F has over 60 vocational training schemes for young people as well as adults which 3F has helped establish. 3F can give you advice about opportunities for taking part in further education and training.


If you are unemployed you can get help and advice in the branches. Together with the unemployment benefit fund they can help you to find a job. Our local branches have a good knowledge of the local labour market.

Working for your interests

3F is also working politically on your behalf. We are very vocal when politicians want to introduce laws and regulations which are contrary to our members’ interests. It holds true when the early retirement benefit scheme comes under attack. 3F is also fighting for equal wages.

Membership of an Unemployment Benefit Fund

You can become a member of 3F’s unemployment benefit fund 3F A if you:

  • are between 18 and 63 years of age
  • are under the age of 18 and have completed an occupational education programme
  • live and reside in Denmark
  • are employed, enrolled in a study programme or otherwise connected to the professional area of the 3F unemployment fund.

By ‘connected to’ we means e.g. former membership, education, job seeking or other comparable activities. If you feel the least bit in doubt about your right to membership in the unemployment fund, please contact us.

As a member of the unemployment benefit fund you are entitled to unemployment benefit if you fulfil the conditions required. Read more about the conditions and regulations here

Get Registered

If you want to become a member of 3FA, then you have to fill in and sign an admission form. See the form in English here

You can get help to fill in the form in your local 3F branch which can also advise you in all questions concerning the unemployment benefit fund. Find your 3F branch here.

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