Lista companiilor norvegiene care sunt înregistrate în România
Lista companiilor norvegiene care sunt înregistrate în România
AK Jensen Ltd.
Mr. Phil Graystone
Vice President Operations
24 Sevastopol strada, Sector 1, Bucharest
Tel: + 40 318 056 694
E-mail: [email protected]
Brokerage services
Autosock AS
Pierre Tognetti
Regional Sales Manager
Fred Olsens gt 2,
N-0107 Oslo, Norway
Tel.dir: +47 22 34 13 40
Mob: +47 91 66 25 60
Fax: +47 22 41 24 15
Romanian distributor: Mr Andrei Mihail
e-mail: [email protected]
PolePosition contact person: Mr Mihai Muntean
e-mail: [email protected]
Astra Consulting
Business and Management Consultancy
Mr. George Crisan, MD. MSc.
Project Manager/Executive and Finance
Boenesskogen 405
N5152 Boenes, Norway
Tel: +47 48 00 60 17
Email: [email protected]
Oil and Energy Industry, Geothermal Energy
Wind Energy, Environment, Technology Transfer.
Barklav Romania SRL
Mr. Laurentiu Lazar (Norwegian Honorary Consul to Constanta)
B-dul Mamaia 251-253
900559 Constanta
Tel: +40 241 673737
Dir: +40 341 407080
Fax: +40 241 673535
Email: [email protected]
Crewing agency.
Barwil Star Agencies SRL
Barwil Unitor Ships Service
Mr. Mesut Kafali
General Manager
Mr. George Scupra,
Operations manager
27, Mamaia Blvd, 4th Floor, 900189, Constanta
Tel: +40 241 618750
Mob: +40 788 788003
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Crewing and ship agency services.
Becotek Metal SRL
Mrs. Laura Roşulescu
Str. Turnului 5
Brasov, 500152
Phone/Fax: +40 368 451 141
Mobile: +40 728 858 615
Email: [email protected]
Foundry – non-ferrous centrifugal casting.
Branch of Holding BecoTek AS- Aamot, Norway
BlomInfo-Geonet S.R.L.
Mr. Ionuţ Săvolu
Str. Revolutiei 1, Etg.2,
130011 Targoviste
Tel: +40 245 606 150
Fax: +40 245 216 374
Email: [email protected]
Land mapping and cadastre. Owned by Blom ASA –
Brødrene Dahl
Mr. Kjell Herting
Managing Director
Str. Pacii 5, bl.S1, sc.B, App.5
820025 Tulcea, Romania
Tel: +40 240 536743
E-mail: [email protected]
Upstream delivery to the shipbuilding industry.
Dezvoltari Imobiliare Petra SRL
Mr. Nawa-Raj Pokharel (Country Representative)
Mr. Dagfinn Årnes
SC Dezvoltari Imobiliare Petra srl
Str. Lamaitei nr. 26 A,
Bucuresti 4, Romania
Tel: +40 21 335 09 66
Mob: +40 723 714 233
Fax: +40 21 335 09 64
Email: [email protected]
In Norway:
Tel: +47 2300 6006
Mob: +47 92 43 54 43 / +40 724 752 878
Real Estate Agency. Private and commercial property for sale/rent.
Det Norske Veritas Romania SRL
Mr Dan Geauca
Maritime Manager
Str. Lahovari 71
900675 Constanta
Tel: +40 241 512371
E-mail: [email protected]
DNV Maritime Galati;
Str. Brailei nr.88, bl. BR5B, et. 1 ap. 2.
ph. 0236 318784; fax 0236 317946;
Provider of risk management services to safeguard life, environment and property.
Edi-Soft Romania
Mr. Kenneth Sletten
Managing Director
Pictor Ion Negulici Street, no 13C, 3rd Floor
Tlf: +47 23 24 94 93
Mob ro: +40 740 018 310
Mob no: +47 93 46 41 90
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
IT software production.
Ensyro SRL
Mr. Dag Christensen
Mrs. Claudia Racz, Administrator
Str. Fabricii 118a
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel./Fax: +40 364 401 480
In Norway: Ensy Group
Mobile: +47 900 16 500
Main number: +47 53 43 0400
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
Electromechanics. Producer of radiant heaters, ventilation units, sheet metal for industries.
EFD Induction SRL – Romania
Managing Director
Sos. Oltenitei 105,
Sector 4 RO-41303 Bucharest
Tel.: +40-21 332 19 48, + 0722 597 177
Fax: +40-21 332 3140
E-mail: [email protected]
Romanian partner: UTIS Industries, Ms. Petruta Druga
In Norway:
EFD ASA – Parent company of the EFD Induction Group
Mr. Truls S.E. Larsen
Tel: +47-3550 6000
Fax: +47-3550 6008
Bøleveien 10
P.O. Box 363 Sentrum
NO-3701 Skien
Induction heating products, from small mobile generators to fully automated, customized in-line systems.
EGC – Employment Growth Consult AS
Mr. Erling Grønlund
Romanian office:
Mob: +40 730 50 60 04
Office: +47 67 49 46 70
Mob: +47 907 64 742
Office: +47 67 49 46 60
Fax: +47 947 64 351
Mail: [email protected]
Recruitment of engineers from Romania to Norway
Mr. Geir Forbord
Mrs. Alexandra Forbord
Str. Avram Iancu 19
550183 Sibiu
Tel/Fax: + 40 269 21 06 50
Tel/Fax : + 40 369 40 50 54
Tel/ Fax : + 40 369 40 50 55
E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Consultancy, insurance broker
Mr. Skarstad Harald
Gruiu, Ilfov
Tel: +40 21 267 02 49
Mobil: + 40 751 19 65 20; +40 788 23 76 73
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Massimo Marchesin
Partner manager
Fridtjof Nansensvei 12
PO Box 50055 Majorstuen,
N/0301 Oslo, Norway
Tel: + 47 22 59 59 00, +47 94 782835
Fax:+47 22 59 59 59
E-mail: [email protected]
Romanian distributor partner:
Hansen Grup,
Ms. Diana Blinda, Managing Partner
Mr. Liviu Souca
sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania,
Str. Av. Petre Cretu, nr. 8
Tel : +40 21 207 90 98
[email protected],
Designer and manufacturer of office chairs.
Icepronav SA
Mr. Steinar Drægebo
Mr. Alina Florea (Managing Director)
Str. Portului 19A
800025 Galati
Tel: +40 236 41 5965
Fax: +40 236 417836
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Design group with expertise in the marine market.
Industry Group Srl.
Mr.Sten Kristiansen, (General Manager).
Iberom building Fl.6
Tulcea, Romania
Mobile: +4 0743 836 178
Tel/Fax: +4 0240 535 026
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Steel pipes, outfitting and design for maritime and land-based industry.
Jacobsen Electro
Mr. Per Brekko
Ringeriksveien 16
N-3400 Lier, Norway
Tel: +47 3222 9300
Fax: +47 3222 9301
E-mail: [email protected]
Electro-technics. Supplier of equipment and systems for the power industry.
Mr. Hallgeir Bakke
Str. Fabricii 118
400632 Cluj-Napoca
Mob: +40 72 45 10 109
Fax: +40 264 45 63 45
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Rents out industrial and office space in Cluj.
Jotun- representative office
Mr. Chitu Petre
Director General
Mobile: 0722 230 961
E-mail: [email protected]
Office in Bucharest and Constanta (for maritime projects).
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
Mr. Dag Tore Sekkelsten
Regional Director
Mr. Adrian Singheorghe
Account Manager
Str Brezoianu 27, etaj 7, sector 1, Bucuresti
direct line +40 21 3124901, +40 21 3124902
fax +40 21 3124903
mobile +40 722 205790
e-mail, [email protected],
In Norway:
P.O.Boxs 87
N-1375 Billingstad, Norway
Tel: +47 66 84 24 00
Fax: +47 66 84 82 30
Defence communication systems.
Maritime Industry Group
Iberom Business Center
14, Portului Street, 6th Floor, 820242 Tulcea, Romania
Mobile: +4 0751 219 841
+4 0751 219 842
Tel/Fax: +4 0240 535 026
Email: [email protected]
Maritime and land based multi discipline-solutions.
SC Maritime Interior SRL
Mr. Magne Støfring
General Manager
1A Celulozei st., 810282 Braila, Romania
E-mail: [email protected]
Office phone: +40 239 607 363
Fax: +40 239 607 321
Mobile: +40 727 216 867 /: +47 4808 2007
Phone Norway: +47 5771 6000 / Fax Norway: +47 5771 6001
Nexi Property & Building
Mr. Kjell O Nygaard (Consul)
E-mail: [email protected]
Real Estate
NoRo Consulting Services
Ms. Alina Sletten
Managing Director
MS. Andreea Nedelcu, HR Senior Consultant
Str. Pictor Ion Negulici nr. 13C, etj. 3
Mobile: +40 752.278.303,
Tel.: 031.425.42.20; Fax: 031.425.42.18
Email: [email protected]
Recruitment and consultancy services.
Norofert SRL
Mr. Florin Popescu , managing director
Calea Calarasi 172, bl.57, sc.1, et.4, app.16
030629 Bucuresti 3
Tel: + 4021 326 5661/3
Fax : + 4021 326 5665
Email: [email protected]
Distributors of Yara fertilizers and of StatoilHydro’s electrolizers.
Nord Pool Consulting AS
Mr. Hans Bredesen
P.O.Box 373
1326 Lysaker
Power trading. Has supported the establishment of OPCOM market in Romania.
Notech Industrial Services
In Romania:
Mr. Eduard Nita – Managing Director
Tel/Fax:+40 213 104 893
Ms. Irina Nita
In Norway:
P.O.Box 1214
3205 Sandefjord
Mr. Dag Andre Abrahamsen – Managing Director of Notech AS
Dir.tlf: 33 42 86 86
Mob: 90 20 47 00
Fax: 33 42 86 81
E-mail: [email protected]
Manufacturer of oil and gas equipment
Ove Sundnes
Org. No. 991 827 188
Norway office:
Billingstadvein 26 B
1396 Billingstad, NORWAY
Tel.: +47 91804794
Romanian office:
24 Pescarilor St., Constanta, ROMANIA
Tel.: +40 722351767
E-mail: [email protected]
Consultancy services.
Orkla Foods Romania
Mrs. Manuela Banu
General Director
Str. Copilului 14-18, Et.1
012178 Bucuresti
Tel: +40 3180 57570, 0724 505 641
Fax: +40 3180 57571
Email: [email protected],
Mr. Uwe Birkkjaer (Managing Director of Orkla Foods Group)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Production and sale of food products
Mr. Victor Pettersen
Postboks 173
N-4402 Flekkefjord, Norway
Tel: +47 38 32 64 00
Fax: +47 38 32 44 71
Email: [email protected]
Steam and heat solutions.
Romania Invest AS – Romania
Mr. Bjørn Hauge
Country Manager
Str. Brezoianu nr 27
Sector 1, Bucharest
Phone: +40 317 10 33 79, + 40 728 32 47 77
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Nimrod Zvik
Marketing & Sales Director
Phone: +40 317 10 33 79, + 40 727 73 55 57
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Cosmin Rosu
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: +40 317 10 33 79, + 40 733 70 08 80
Email: [email protected]
Investment Fund
Ms. Ingunn Vagstein, Manager
Sandakervn. 52
0477 Oslo
Tel: +47 95298364
Consultancy company: match –making Norwegian companies with Romanian partners, specialised in energy sector.
R&M Ship Interior Norway As, Constanta Branch
Mr. Stig Lannerholm
Ms. Irina Paun, Branch manager
Str. Revolutiei IG Duca, nr. 81E, bl. L46, ap 42, Constanta
Tel: 0341 443 625
Fax: 0341 443 626
Mob. 0723 296 020
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Assembly of interior ship parts for the shipbuilding industry.
Sanco Shipping
Mr. Jan Hagen
General Director
1A CELULOZEI STR., 810282 (same address)
0239/607210; [email protected]; mobile 0722203670
E-mail: [email protected]
Ship building industry
ScaleIT s.r.l.
Str. Laboratorului, 7C
Ploiesti, 100 070, jud. Prahova,
Phone: +40-244-578 200; +40-372-935 704
Fax: +40-244-578 215
email: [email protected]
Industrial weighting systems
Scandia Imagistica
Mrs. Luminita Cocan – Manager General
Str. Ciresilor Nr. 15 A, Cluj – Napoca
Tel.: + 40264407970, Mobile: +40726202810
Fax: + 40264455220
E-mail: [email protected]
In Norway:
Mr. Are Løken – Chairman of the Board
Besøksadresse: Stenersgt 1E, 0050 Oslo
Postadresse: P.b. 1045 Sentrum, 0104 Oslo
Tel 24101220, faks 24101221 mobil 91765340
E-mail: [email protected].
X-ray diagnosis center.
Seatrans Crewing S.R.L.
Mr. Atle Sommer
Xerografix Building 99C, Str. Mircea cel Batran 2nd Floor
900663 Constanta
Tel: +40 241 551 331
Fax: +40 241 552 331
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Recruitment agency – maritime sector.
Statkraft Romania SRL
Mr. Nicolae Pintilie
Phone direct: +40 (0) 314 25 17 64 / 65 / 66
Fax:+40 (0) 314 25 17 67
Strada Povernei 15 – 17 etaj 6, Sector 1, 010642 Bucuresti, Romania
E-mail: [email protected]
Energy trading.
STX Europe Braila
Mr. Stig Kile Gjelsten
Board Member
Mr. Laurentiu Daniel Rusinoiu
General Director
1A Celulozei
810282 Braila
Tel. +40 239 60 7000
Fax +40 239 60 7003
Direct: +40 239607002
Mobile: +40 723682973
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected],
Ship yard.
STX Europe Tulcea SA
Mr. Stig Kile Gjelsten
Board Member
Mr. Tudorel Topa
General Director
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
8, Portului Street
820242 Tulcea
Tel: +40 240 53 40 36 (direct), +40 240 53 63 63, +40 240 53 40 38
Fax: +40 240 534 068
Mobile: +40 742 100 528,
Ship yard.
STX RO Electro
Str. Portului 8, Aker Yards– Electrical Section
820242 Tulcea
Tel: + 40 240 506236
Fax: + 40 240 534068
Incorporated in Aker Yards Electro AS. Maritime automation, design, installation services.
Mr. Marcel Horsinek
Manger Romania
Mr. Razvan Atimariti
Channel Manager Romania
Sos Oltenitei 257V, Sector 4, 041311 Bucuresti
Mobile: +40 730 117 323
Fax: +40 318 115 494
E-mail: [email protected], |
Tele-presence Solutions, Video Conferencing Systems And Network Infrastructure
Thermo Control SRL
Mr. Svein Jørgenvåg (Managing Director)
Str. Aleea Teilor Nr. 1, B16, Sc.B, Ap.12.
520067 Sfantu Gheorghe
Covasna, Romania
Tel/Fax: +40 267 314 333
E-mail: [email protected]
Building Automation Systems.
Trellis Trading SRL
In Romania:
Mr. Cornel Stranschi
Romania Representative
Str. Mamulari nr.2, Bl. C1, sc.1, sector 3, Bucuresti
Tel.: +40 (0)31 4082934
Fax: +40 (0)31 4082934
Mob.: +40 (0)742137700
E-mail: [email protected]
Elena Bendrea
Local branch – distribution of Omega 3 fish oil
In Norway: Trellis Trading AS
Mr. Per Einar Tomren
N-6393 Tomrefjord
Tel: +40 729 09 8546
E-mail: [email protected]
Export of fish oil from Norway, export of equipment for the shipbuilding industry.
Umoe Mandal
Mr. Tom Quarsten (Vice President Naval Support)
Tel: +47 38279200
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Naval Ships.
Uniteam International AS
IN Norway:
Mr. Knut Erik Lindseth
Business Developer
Visiting address: Gneisveien 8, 2020 Skedsmokorset, Norway
Postal address: Post box 44, 2021 Skedsmokorset, Norway
Mobile: +47 47 60 65 66
Phone: +47 63 87 90 70
Fax: +47 64 83 06 63
E-mail: [email protected]
In Romania:
Ms. Florentina Ivanov, [email protected]
Manufacturer of containerized modules, mobile camps, medical and tactical shelter systems.
Visma Software
Sorin Rotariu – Administrative Director
Dan Stanculescu.– Dir. technical
Str. Calugareni 23
2400 Sibiu, Romania
Tel: +40 269 244786
Fax: +40 269 218242
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Production of IT software / outsourcing services. Daughter of Visma AS.
Visma Services Romania S.R.L
Tom Rasmussen – Administrative Director
Str. Calugareni 23
550332 Sibiu, Romania
Tel: +40 757 013097
Email: [email protected]
Outsourcing of accounting, payroll and reporting. Establishment of Shared Service Centers. Daughter of Visma Services Norge AS.
Westhouse Group
Mr. Kay Thorkildsen – Executive Chairman
Str. Polona, nr. 95-99, et. 3
Sector 1, Bucuresti 010507
Tel.: +40 21 410 95 15
Fax: +40 21 781 05 73
Mobile: +40 740 095335 (Romania), +47 416 34291(Norway)
E-mail: [email protected]
Real estate developer.
Other Norwegian companies cooperating with Romanian partners / in the process of developing business in Romania
AF Grouppen
Mr. Andreas Jul Røsjø
Business Developer
Vitaminveien 1A, Postboks 34 Grefsen, N-0409 Oslo
T +47 22 89 11 00 M +47 48 19 69 98
F +47 22 89 11 01
Energy / renewable . Looking for a Romanian partner.
Doble TransiNor AS,
Sorgenfriveien 9
7037 Trondheim
Mr. Ole Gustav Aas, Regional Sales Manager,
Energy sector – Ongoing and increasing export/cooperation with Romania. Has a representative in Romania.
Mr. Egil W. Holgersen
Mobile: +47 9092 2314
E-mail: [email protected]
Electronic ticketing solutions and equipment
Globepeople Group ApS
Einar Rune Vinningland
President and CEO
Mtlf: +47 99 79 00 49
e-mail: [email protected]
Engineering recruitment, energy efficiency
Protan AS
Martin Arentowicz, International Sales Manager
Looking for distributor or sales representative in Romania.
Mr. Francisco Chavez – business development in the Balkans
tel: + 47 64 84 39 42
Explores opportunity of hydro power green fields projects in Romania.
SafeRoad AS
P.O.Box 34
6151 Oersta
Mr. Kaare Johan Eikrem, Senior Vice President
Road safety equipment and solutions
Scase AS
Mr. Ole Dahl
President & CEO
C. Sundts gt. 51
5004 Bergen, Norway
Tel: +47 51 85 97 85
Mob: +47 91 16 91 55
E-mail: [email protected]
Computer assisted production plant systems for the food processing industries. Romanian partner:
ASCENTA – a Softwin Company
Økopro & Energi AS
Mr. Geir Sæther
Skarpsnoveien 5
7540, Klæbu
Telefon +47 72 83 44 08
Telefon +47 92 66 77 60
telefaks +47 72 83 44 02
Renewable energy, waste management. Looking for a Romanian partner (Romsilva)
Energy efficiencyEnergy efficiencyEee
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